FY2022 Selected Universities Liaison Meeting

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On March 20, 2023, the FY2022 Selected Universities Liaison Meeting for the Inter-University Exchange Project -Indo-Pacific Region- was held online. Many stakeholders from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the University of Tsukuba JV-Campus Secretariat, and selected universities participated in the meeting.

Following the opening remarks from Shinji Kaneko (Executive Vice President, Hiroshima University) and greetings from Yosuke Kobayashi (MEXT, Higher Education Bureau Director), the meeting was called to order.

After a proposal from Hiroshima University, the lead school, on the project’s initiatives and an introduction of the JV-Campus project by Dr. Oniwa (Project Leader of JV-Campus/Professor, University of Tsukuba), each selected university introduced their projects.

There was an active question and answer session and an exchange of opinions on project implementation between the selected universities afterwards.

Finally, a summary was given by Masaru Ichihashi (Deputy Director of the IDEC Institute, Hiroshima University) and the meeting was brought to a close.

It was a meaningful opportunity for the participating universities implementing student exchange programs in the Indo-Pacific region to share information and exchange opinions on the status of each program’s initiatives and issues.

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